As a kid and teenager, my world was wrapped up in sports, especially baseball. Now that the weather is changing to sunny and warmer days my life interests turn toward the outdoors. That means I get the itch to get my baseball glove out and look for someone to throw with and to hit me some ground balls. It’s the best time of year!
While in high school and college, I was hoping my profession would take me to the sports world in some fashion. One opportunity that came up while still in high school was to assist one of my baseball coaches in giving private hitting lessons. As time went on I helped more and more and really enjoyed the fine details in studying someone’s swing and helping them fix bad habits and become a better baseball and softball hitter.
Over time as baseball lessons became a bit of a side job, I came to a fork in the road.
I can pursue this thing I love for my gain, or I can pursue it to glorify God.
Do I look to coach high school teams and climb the coaching ladder? Or is there something else for me? I wasn’t quite sure.
The man that runs our batting instruction, Rick DeMeo, is always looking to bless the people that he comes in contact with. After a while that posture started impacting me. I watched him and was blessed many times by him. I started realizing I can use this blessing that God has brought into my life to bless others.
Here is the place I came to eventually:
God gives us gifts, talents, interests and opportunity; I don’t believe it is by accident or to be wasted
Some may say I have a gift of teaching and an eye for baseball fundamentals. That means God has positioned me to be in contact with people that may never step inside a church. My everyday life doesn’t have to look like traditional ministry, but I can look at every opportunity as a moment to care for others’ hearts and souls.
I love baseball, I love teaching, and I love Jesus. It just makes sense to put them together and see what God does next.